Custard COW Bread
Custard Ingredients:
3/4 cup tepid milk (220 gm)
1 small egg
1 tsp salt
60g butter
500g bread flour (31/4 cups)
3 Tbsp Formaggio grated Parmesan Cheese
25g milk powder
40g castor sugar ++ 12 gm Instant yeast (3 tsp)
Custard Cheese stuffing:
150g ready sweet custard
100g Laughing COW Cheese (Ham Flavor)
3 Tbsp soft butter
(Mix all stuffing ingredients together thoroughly)
Method of work dough preparations: (Mixer)
1. Mix whipping cream, sugar, yeast and egg into mix bowl. Mix over medium speed for about 2 minutes then add in the rest of flour and ingredients except soft butter. Mix over medium speed with dough hook for about 2 minutes.
2. Blend in soft butter over LOW speed for about 1 minute, mix dough mixture over medium speed for another 8 minutes. Add in the cheddar cheese and mix thoroughly for another 2 minutes. Cover and leave the dough to rise for about 1 hour in warm environment. After an hour, the dough should have risen to about double its volume.(Initial fermentation)
3. Punch fermented dough and flatten the dough into rectangular piece. Spread Butter and custard over dough surface, top with shredded Ham cheese. Roll the dough up with stuffing into a long rope, and then wind it up from the centre.
4. Cover coiled bunny with oil cling film, set aside allow the coil bunny to rise in almost double in size and then bake in the pre-heated oven for about (<span>200 C or 400 F)</span> for about 35 minutes until golden brown . It should be golden brown and sound hollow when tapped underneath.
5. Remove from oven, apply syrup glaze over the buns and sprinkle coarse sugar and return to the oven for another 1 minute. Remove from pan to wire rack. Cool slightly before cutting.
Chef Tips:
Bake in a pre-heated oven at 200C for 30-35 minutes, spraying oven with water to create steam for the first 3 minutes.
Custard Filling Preparations: (for 2 portions bread spread)
1 egg
150g whipping cream
40g sugar
1 tbsp plain flour
1 tbsp corn flour
30g custard powder
1 tbsp
1 tbsp Condensed milk
30g butter
Whisk cornstarch, flour, custard powder, sugar and ½ portion of the whipped cream over medium heat in medium saucepan until mixture starts to boil. Whisk the balance portion of the whipping cream into the egg; whisk egg mixture into saucepan. Whisk over low heat until mixture thickened. Stir in condensed milk and follow by the butter.
Cool custard to room temperature, stirring occasionally. Cover top of custard with plastic wrap and refrigerate for about 1 hour. Whisk custard until smooth before use.