Cream MIX:
250g butter cubes
160g fine sugar
2 large eggs
1 tsp vanilla essence
2 large (480 gm) mashed Delmont banana
1/2 tsp spoonful baking soda
120g Nestle cream
Dry MIX:
230g self-raising flour
80g plain flour
1/2 cup golden raisins
1 sachet Instant Oat Cereal
1 cup lightly toasted chopped walnut
Fillings: 1/2 cup Apple blueberry Jam mix in 2 tbsp bread crumbs
1) Cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy, add eggs one add a time. Bind in mashed banana, baking soda, vanilla essence and dairy sterilized cream quickly.
2) Fold in the Dry MIX ingredients to creamed banana batter mixture. Please do not over mix. (Texture should be JUST bind)
3) Fill paper cup with a tablespoon of cake batter and make a well in the middle of the batter. Spoon a tablespoon of Apple Blueberry Jam filling into the well. Cover the Jam with one to two tablespoon of cake batter. Bake in oven preheated oven for about 20 minutes at 200 C for 1st 12 minutes then lower heat to 180 C for 10 to 15 minutes until golden brown.
4) Cool cupcakes thoroughly and garnish with a drizzle of Apple Blueberry Jam, sprinkle with white coconut shreds and topped and deco with desired colourful chocolate eggs.
牛油块 250克
幼糖 160克
蛋(大) 2粒
香草精 1茶匙
Delmont 香蕉 (磨成泥) 480克(2大条)
小苏打 1/2茶匙
奶油 120克
自发面粉 230克
面粉 80克
金黄色葡萄干 1/2杯
既溶燕麦麦片 1包
核桃(稍微烤过,切粒) 1杯
果蓝梅果酱 1/2杯
面包屑 2汤匙
- 在碗里,打牛油和糖至松软,加入蛋(一次一个)。一次加入香蕉泥,小苏打,香草精和奶油。
- 将干材料折入香蕉奶油混合。切记:折入,可免搅混过头。
- 在蛋糕杯里放入1汤匙蛋糕混合。在中间挖个凸痕,放入1汤匙苹果蓝梅果酱,再倒入1-2汤匙蛋糕混合盖起馅料。烘炉热至200度,将蛋糕放入烘12分钟后,温度调底至180度,烘10-15分钟至金黄色便可。
- 取出后待凉,撒上富达苹果蓝梅果酱、椰丝、和颜色艳丽的巧克力蛋点缀即可。