Ings A (Pate Sucree)
180gm Plain Flour
70gm Icing Sugar
1gm Baking Powder
50gm Egg
30gm Ground Almonds
90gm Butter
Ings B (Almond Cream)
70gm Butter
70gm Sugar
1 Egg
½ tsp Vanilla Essence
70gm Ground Almonds
10gm Plain Flour
Ings C (Filling)
Apple Blueberry Jam
Almond flakes
Method (Ings A)
1) Mix sifted plain flour, icing sugar and baking powder together.
2) Add in butter and mix well before adding in egg and ground almonds.
3) Cling wrap the dough and chill for 4 hours.
4) Roll out the dough till 3mm thick. Cut circular discs and place inside lined greased tart moulds.
5) Chill the tartlets till needed.
Method (Ings B)
1) Cream butter and sugar till light and fluffy before adding in egg and vanilla essence.
2) Slowly add in ground almonds and plain flour. Mix well.
3) Keep cream chilled before use.
1) Pipe some Apple Blueberry jam into lined tartlet moulds.
2) Pipe some Almond cream over the jam till it fills up slightly to the brim of the tartlets.
3) Sprinkle some almond flakes on top of the almond cream.
4) Bake at 180ºC for 20 minutes till almond cream tarts are golden brown.