Sweet & Sour Pork 正宗糖醋肉


Sweet & Sour Pork


 600 gm            Belly pork (cut to bite cube size)

100 gm            Cucumber cut bite-sized pieces

150 gm each   Diced red and green pepper 

1                      Bombay onion, cut into quarters 

Cooking oil for deep-frying 

To marinate pork belly pieces: 

3 tbsp              Mirin (sweet)                         

1 tsp                Salt

½ tsp                Bi-carbonate soda 

1                      Egg yolk          

200g                Tempura flour

1                      Teaspoon Chinese wine

Sauce ingredients

2 packet          Dancing Chef Sweet & Sour sauce

1 tbsp              L & P sauce    

3/4 cup            Hot water


Thickening solution:    1 tbsp. potato starch flour mix into 4tbsp. water


Method of Preparations:

 1. Cut belly pork into 2 cm cubes and marinade with marinate seasonings for about 2 hour.

 2. Pour in sufficient oil into Cornell Multi-cooker over medium heat deep fry marinated pork cubes in hot oil till golden brown. (Coat belly pork cubes with potato starch flour before deep frying), remove and drain, then re-fry over high heat, drain well.

3. Heat wok with some oil, stir fry onion until fragrant, add in serving sauce bringing to a rolling boil then stir mix in cucumber slices, red and green peppers.  Thicken serving sauce with potato starch solution.  Lastly stir mix in deep fried pork cubes, toss mix briefly, dish out. Serve & enjoy!


600克        三层肉(切块)

100克        黄瓜(切块)

150克        青椒(切块)

150克         红椒(切块)

1粒          大洋葱(切成四分)

适量           食油(用来油炸)


3汤匙         米醂(清酒)      

1茶匙         盐

½茶匙          苏打粉

1粒           蛋黄

200克         天妇罗粉

1茶匙         绍兴酒(花雕酒)


2包           佳味糖醋酱料

1汤匙        L & P酱汁

¾杯            热水


1汤匙         薯粉 加入4汤匙的水


 1.   将三层肉切成2公分的丁块,用腌料腌至2小时。

2.   将适量的油倒入Cornell万能锅中。用中火热油后,将腌过的肉块炸至金黄色。(将肉块沾上薯粉再炸), 将肉块取出,把油沥干后,再用大火炸过。然后再沥干。

3.   在热锅里,加入少许油,将洋葱炒香后加入酱料材料 煮至沸腾,最后加入黄瓜片,青椒和红椒。将酱料用薯粉和水勾芡。最后加入肉块,搅匀即可。